Take boring Sundays to a whole new level with these five great Sunday activities to do with your kids. As much as kids love television, it’s time to switch off the screens and start bonding family-style. From picnics and games to baking and sport, Gumtree presents the top Sunday activities to do with your kids.

Picnic – One of the Best Sunday Activities

Picnics are a lost art, and it’s about time you treat your kids to a real old-fashioned picnic. If the weather is looking good, prepare some of your family’s favourite snacks, drinks, and treats and head to a local park for some fun in the sun. Bring your camera along and remember the moment forever. If you’re in the mood for a picnic and the weather isn’t looking up, get creative and cook up an indoor picnic. They can be just as fun on a rainy day.

Things you’ll need: a large picnic blanket, cups, snacks, sunscreen, hats, camera, ball and bat set, and wet wipes


The beach is perfect for a Sunday family outing with the kids. If the weather is looking good, pack a bag full of fun beach toys and games, and give your kids the opportunity to spend some time in the surf and sun. This is also a great chance to teach your kids how to boogie board or skim board and to get them comfortable with the water. Spend hours building an awesome sandcastle and give your kids something to talk about on Monday morning. A day at the beach is a great way to cap a busy week, and you can even bring your furry friends along too.

Things you’ll need: beach towels, costumes, snacks, water, sunscreen, hats, boogie boards, bat and ball, buckets, etc.


Although some kids already play organized sports during the week, sports are fantastic Sunday activities to do with the whole family. Choose a sport that all your kids can get involved in, find a field, or simply head to the backyard and get active. You can even get creative and think up your very own family sport and turn it into a tradition. Sports are a great, fun way for the whole family to get some exercise and spend some quality time together.

Things you’ll need: any sports equipment you already have (including balls, bats, and gloves)


It’s never too late or too early to teach your kids how to cook or bake in the kitchen. Planning a Sunday roast? Perfect. Get the kids involved and let them discover all the wonders of the kitchen. They’ll love helping you and creating their very own culinary masterpiece. Turn this into a weekly event and get your kids interested in cooking and baking instead of PlayStation and computer games.

Things you’ll need: ingredients and cooking supplies


Now, this may seem like an obvious choice, but games can be fun for the whole family. Dust off the old board games like Monopoly, Pictionary, and Trivial Pursuit or come up with your very own games. Plan a treasure hunt or build a pillow fort. Games work especially well on those rainy winter days.

Things you’ll need: your favorite board games, a timer, pens, and paper


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