Tea is the second most popular drink in the world and the most beneficial drink. Green tea has more beneficial effects than black tea. Green tea is prepared by steaming first to prevent oxidation and thus the leaves remain green. Since the ancient times, the Chinese have been using this type of tea for curing all types of illness including a headache and depression. Japanese also consumes a high amount of green tea and their wellness is often linked to the green tea drinking habit. Of late green tea has been a favorite topic for researchers and the beneficial effects are being proved at a faster pace. Few of the beneficial effects are discussed below.

The antioxidants property of green tea is better than Vitamin C. Free radicalsGreen are generated in our bodies by ultraviolet rays of Sun, cigarette, smoke, air pollution etc. These free radicals lead to the aging process by altering cells, tampering with DNA, leading to cell death and a number of health problems like cancer and heart disease. Polyphenols present in the green tea neutralize free radicals and help prevent damages. In a 1997 study by the University of Kansas, it was proved that EGCG present in green tea is twice as powerful as resveratrol (a polyphenol found in red wine), which limits the negative effects of smoking and fatty acids. This also explains why the rate of heart disease among Japanese men is quite low even if more than 75 % are smokers.

Green tea leads to the increase of HDL (Good Cholesterol) and lowering of total Cholesterol. This is done by blocking of the intestinal absorption and promoting its excretion from the body.

Green tea has been found by various researchers to inhibit and stop progression in certain types of cancer. Breast cancer cell inhibition is a proven fact. However in certain cases like bladder cancer, ovarian cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer the beneficial effects is yet to be accepted.

Polyphenols have anti-inflammatory properties and anti-cancer properties preventing the growth of skin tumor.

Green tea helps to regulate blood sugar in the body. Catechins present to suppress the production of Angiotensin II leading to the reduction of blood sugar.

It protects the liver from the damaging effects of toxic substances such as alcohol. Catechins present in green tea has been found to help treat Viral Hepatitis.

It helps in reducing weight. Polyphenols help in metabolism and help burn fats.

Green tea has been proven to prevent dental decay due to its antibacterial properties.

It also helps in the treatment of Arthritis.

For colds and influenza, it helps to build up resistance.

L- Threonine an amino acids present helps in calming down of the nervous system.,

Green tea drinking is gaining popularity over the years. Those curious among you can find plenty of research papers written on the subject of the health benefits of green tea. This miracle drink has crossed the borders of the continent of Asia and is being increasingly consumed all around the world.


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